
A - Move Left

D - Move Right

Space - Swing Bat

E - Pick up Objects

W - Put Objects into van

Q - Drop Items out of Bag/Hands

To open your phone click on it and click the red/green button

To use an app select it and to turn off your phone to put away click the green button multiple times till phone turns off and button turns red and click the phone itself or click of the phone to move it off the screen

I am posting this game in this current state to showcase my games growth.

In this game you play as a person attempting to make ends meet and to do that you find a job on a pier to liquidate discarded boxes. With your trusty tools you head out to break some boxes to make ends meet.


Officially this experience has a functioning gameplay loop:

Buy box -> Break Box -> Sell Items -> repeat

Included in this version:

-A phone you can use as a UI to check only your bank account and send off the van to sell stuff you grabbed

-Basic movement with the ability to swing a bat to break boxes. Along with that the ability to pick up items and input them into the van

Development log

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